Monday, June 28, 2010

What I didn't know about breastfeeding...

Well all I really knew is that was how I was going to feed my baby.  What I didn't know is how many directions milk would shoot out with the velocity of a super soaker all over my baby's face...and yet it is still the most relaxing and rewarding activity I have ever engaged in...

Love my Moby!

I love my MOBY wrap.  It has so many ways I can hold Isla and she is so comfortable.  She always goes right to sleep...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

6 day old gardener

What a worker...for 6 days old, Isla is hanging...literally in the moby wrap, hanging out in the pea patch tilling up weeds.

Moose on the Loose!

hmmmmmmm!  I wonder what kind of stories Isla is going imagine living on an island with a taxidermy studio...The inside of the mounts are pretty creepy looking like furless, white skinned, body less animals, hanging on the wall...then there's collection of small skulls in corner, mostly beaver and squirrels, I think...."Without bodies these creatures can't swim off the island," thinks Isla, "Maybe that's why they drink so much beer?"

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Harvested Peas!

Fresh Peas for father's day dinner...yum! Paul caught nine trout to grill and we had a nice simple evening...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

AWWWHHH...Dads love their little girls.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Om Baby Rider

We love how Isla prepares for her boat to car ride and then ride into town...Om baby Om...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Do bees like breastmilk?

Why do I think bees like breastmilk?  Finally getting out to weed the peas...after looking at them and needing to get to them for a week or so...I was happy.  Weeding crab grass out of peas is not's actually a fairly delicate task...but it leads to training peas up the trellises...which would be fun for my kids at school...we should grow peas next year.  Finally the sun was hot and the sky was blue, Isla was sleeping and I was able to concentrate of weeding.  The birds were chirping like crazy and the bees were buzzing all over the purple Salvia and Sage blossoms...when all the sudden a bunch of geese honked, flying overhead and all the sudden I felt my milk filling up, and all the sudden the wind blue, and all the sudden I looked down and all the sudden I had to wet circles the size of softballs on my shirt...and all the sudden a bee buzzed to me and hovered around me until my chores were done.

I Dream of Pregnancy

It's funny how the last month of pregnancy seems so forgotten.  All the dreaded last few days of deleria seem like a dream...and it was only 6 weeks away...It's nice to get through things and look how your thoughts change.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Mulching Peppers and Tomatoes

The day after planting, we noticed pepper plants were being cut at the base of the plant...about a centimeter from the soil.  We weren't sure what the reason was but after this cutting phenomenom continued every night....

Isla is 3 weeks old

If she were a parsnip, she'd be germinating within the next few days...and today Isla's been alive for 21 days and I've been a mom for 3

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Lightning Crashes

Taking our daily trek around the island..Isla and I came across this tree that had been struck by lightening.  Strips of tree was all over the path, as if it were trying to spell something.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Making Laundry Soap

Today we made some laundry soap.  I tried the powder kind last time and wasn't too happy with the results in terms of fighting stains... but I also didn't measure perfectly...  The good thing is that Isla had no breakouts from the detergent so I believe the ingredients are baby least to Isla... This time I am trying the gel kind, recipe #1, and using measuring cups and following directions.  Check out the link and see what works for you...Special tip: grate soap whenever you have extra time and keep it in an old coffee canister...makes making soap not such a time consuming process.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Got Milk?

So happy Isla takes a bottle from her dad...that'll make going back to work a little easier....